The Village Green Preservation Society
The Kinks
I've always felt that VGPS was a concept album that was never really indulged in due to Davies' unsureness about the ambitiousness of the project. There were also a lot of really good outtakes that fit the themes of the album perfectly that finally saw the light of day with the 3-CD release VGPS. So, I decided to turn this simple record into a sprawling double album that fleshes out the Village Green much more effectively. The first half (or, really, 3/4s) details life in the Village Green of the past, with characters like Johnny Thunder, Monica, Polly, Wonderboy, and the misanthropes in "Sitting by the Riverside" and "Misty Water", among others. We end with Big Sky, which looks to the future for better days. The last part of the album focuses on the present disillusionment with life, and the nostalgia for days gone by, with songs like "Do You Remember Walter?", "Where Did my Spring Go?", "Days", and, of course, ending with "Village Green". I never understood why the album wasn't originally bookended by the two Village Green songs, but I think it flows much better. While the album is much longer, just over an hour, in my opinion all the music is well worth it, and I found myself listening to all the tracks anyway, but in the disorganized fashion of album/bonus tracks. All of the tracks segue into each other as well.
"Village Green" fuses the orchestral overdubs instrumental with the alternate sans-orchestra take, as well as the released version, creating a far stronger sound, fuller vocals, and just a bit of phasing which I feel fits well. There is also a reprise of "VGPS" at the end just before the album ends, creating a cyclical feel.
Comments appreciated, enjoy!